Monday, March 12, 2007

Decision Time

Yes, yes...two posts in one day. Aren't you lucky!? I think most of you know by now, but in case you don't, here's the big news: I'm trying to decide what to do with my life (at least for next year). Here are my two options:

1. Go back to West Michigan, teach Spanish II and IV at Holland Christian, coach golf and help with Student Council. This option would involve being with family, friends, playing games and golfing on the weekends...

2. Stay in Spain and work as a teacher's aide in a bilingual school 16 hours a week. I would probably find other part time work teaching English. This option would involve being with friends, traveling, having lots of time to learn more Spanish, ponder life, write a book?

Anyway, if you are the praying type, remember me in your prayers as I need to let HC know what I decide one week from today. ¡Gracias!


Anonymous said...

Please come home! I can't teach with out you!!!


Laurie said...

As a matter of fact, I am the praying type. :) The question to ask: is my desire to come back home greater than my desire to stay? And remember ... home will always be exactly where you left it.

Michelle said...

I'll be praying for you. I'm sure this is a hard decision, but God will give you peace about things one way or another. Doors will open and close. My thoughts - take advantage of being able to travel and have these kinds of unique experiences while you can. Time goes too fast as it is. Keep us updated.

denhartigh said...

I will pray for you. Tough decision! I can only imagine the stress.

Anonymous said...

Chica! You must be enjoying yourself in Spain and I am very happy for you. My selfish advice is stay because I am 90% sure I am coming to Spain next year and I would love to have a friend there. I hope that you know that either decision would be good because I am sure you would make either experience a positive one.
- tu amiga de Middlebury, Jill

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yo tambien me apunto al QUEDATE!!!Necesito que sigas escribiendo este blog tan divertido :)

Anonymous said...

COME BACK! no, that is only me being selfish because I am taking Spanish 4 next year. I will be praying for you, and I know God will bless everyone around you, through you, whether you stay or come back.
Jenna Brandsen

Anonymous said...

Hi! I haven't checked your blog for awhile...what a shock to see that you might stay for awhile. I will definitely be praying for you. My vote...STAY! If the door is open, I say walk through it!:)

Amy (your favorite cousin!)