Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Grammar Girl Rocks!

I have a new obsession: Grammar Girl, a.k.a. Mignon Fogarty. She rocks. If you've never heard of her, check out her website or download her podcast. On her website there is a link to a photo pool of signs containing poor grammar. Well, this one takes the cake (pun intended). First, look at the picture. Then, try to figure out what it means. Finally read the comment below and let out a horrified laugh. Enjoy, and as Lynne Truss says in Eats, Shoots & Leaves, "Grammar Sticklers, Unite!"


Laurie said...


Michelle said...

Kevin and I both laughed out loud. Awesome, just awesome!!

Patti said...

LOVE IT! Reminds me of Jay Leno's Headlines he runs on Monday nights.

I heard that book is great, gotta read it.