Sunday, July 15, 2007

Si no me podéis visitar...

Me temo que la mayoría de la gente de España (ni de EE.UU. ...Julie, por ejemplo) no sepa bastante de Michigan. Por lo cual, voy a enseñaros un poco.

I'm afraid that the majority of the Spanish people (nor those from the U.S. ...Julie, for example) does not know enough about Michigan. So, I'm going to teach you a little.

Primero, encuentra Michigan en el mapa de EE.UU. Es el estado rodeado por cinco lagos. Muy bien. Fíjate que MI tiene DOS partes: la peninsula baja y la peninsula superior/alta. (¿Lo ves, Julie?)

Ahora, mira el mapa de MI. Yo vivo en Grand Rapids (realmente en las afueras al sur, una ciudad que se llama Caledonia). Yo enseñé en Holland.

Es todo por ahora. Si tenéis preguntas, dejad comentarios. ;)


Julie said...

Whatever Amanda!!! I am sure I am not the only one who didn't know Michigan has two parts, other people just won't admit it as honestly as I did! How does it feel to be home??

Amanda said...

You are right, Julie. I should not make fun of you. Es que you are so smart that when the rare opportunity to poke fun of you arises, I have to seize it. ;)

How come when my blogs are in English you write comments in Spanish and when they're in Spanish you write comments in English?

Home = good, weird

Julie said...

jajajaja.....i know i know. take full advantage...however i can't imagine the opportunities are quite so rare! oh and i opted for english to add a welcome back to the usa touch. call me, cuando puedas!